Monday, June 8, 2020

Sophie turns 30

Well, here it is! My 30th birthday. Because of this list and the endeavors it has brought with it, I've been thinking about this birthday maybe more than the average person thinks about their 30th birthday. Now that it's here, I certainly didn't expect to be celebrating this day in the midst of both 1) a global pandemic and 2) an uprising for civil rights that are long overdue to the Black community. But, these two circumstances have provided a lot of time for reflection and discussion, as well as a commitment to be a better friend, ally, and human being, and how I'm going to work on those things as I age.

And now for a reflection of my list!

I was able to fully complete 19 items on my list! Some of my favorites:
  • Own a cat. Miranda has become my constant companion and even though she sheds like it's going out of style (and sometimes claws my adorable curtains/tries to eat my toes), I love her more every day.

  • Run a half marathon. I have found the most wonderful community in ATX after getting serious about running. Since running my first half in October 2018, I've finished four more, and am signing up for a full marathon as soon as races are allowed to happen again.

Shoal Creek Striders <3

  • Tour a vineyard and do a wine tasting. I mean, it's wine, you guys. Do I need a reason other than that to love this one?
  • Knitting a scarf. I loved finding a creative outlet for myself aside from music, and I'm very excited to see what more I can do with this hobby.
  • Throwing a dinner party. Having friends in the same place and sharing (good) homemade food was something that I took for granted before 2020. I won't do that again.

  • Starting my own garden. Even with small spaces, there is such satisfaction in growing your own food.
  • Attending live performances. No matter the genre/group, the highest quality artistic performances have the ability to move someone to tears, reaching the innermost of their emotions. This is something I commit to doing more of in the coming years.

There were 4 items that I partially completed. They were:
  • Visit all 50 states. I got VERY close on this. Only 5 more to go. This is something I want to finish in the next 10 years for sure.
  • Visit 10 new countries. If COVID-19 hadn't hit, this one would have been crossed off the list next month, as Sarah and I were planning another trip to Europe. As it was, though, I was able to visit 8 new countries in the span of 3 years. I'm thankful that was able to happen.
  • Climb at least 30 14ers. I have climbed 24. This was hard to finish since I no longer 1) live in Colorado and 2) spend my summers in Colorado.
  • Volunteer once a month for six months. I spent a few weeks last summer (2019) volunteering at a farm that is part of a refugee resettlement organization. My intent was to return during the week of spring break this year--when COVID became a big concern. A good intention that did not come to fruition.
These were the 7 that I did not achieve:
  • Go to another bowl game when Michigan is playing. In hindsight, it's probably for the best that I didn't waste my money to go to any of the bowl games in the past 5 years, since we've lost EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM.
  • Hike the Grand Canyon--rim to rim. This may happen next year with the aforementioned running friends...stay tuned...
  • Learn how to drive a stick shift car. I did get some instruction on this, but I never had an opportunity to consistently practice those skills. Hopefully some day I'll be able to drive a manual!
  • Do a head/hand/forearm stand. 
  • Learn how to whistle really loudly. Does anyone want to teach me how to do this?
  • Find and buy a pair of quality sunglasses that actually look good on me. I've been using free race sunglasses for years. If anyone knows where I can find some good sunglasses, let me know...
  • Get another piercing. Michelle has already told me that when I come back to Colorado she will go with me to get a piercing so I feel like maybe I should be able to count this one as partially done.

Thank you all for coming on this journey with me and for your encouragement. 
On to the next adventure!

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