Thursday, January 22, 2015

Crafty #1

#1. Make a cross-stitch project that is acceptable to hang in a public place.

When I was maybe 10 or so, my grandma introduced me to cross-stitching and gave me a whole kit: a bunch of different colored thread, needles, patterns, the whole shebang. I was immediately intrigued and created various projects, but at some point I lost interest (as most ten year olds do) and everything was put into its box. It stayed on the high shelf of my closet in my childhood home for about a decade. I had pulled it out every now and then while "cleaning" (read: shuffling things around) in my closet, but this past winter break I actually cleaned out my whole closet and decided to give cross-stitching another chance. There was a pattern of Santa that was small and definitely looked manageable for returning to the craft after so long. And, someone (maybe me?) had already started it, though who knows how long ago that was.

Anyway, I resumed the project over's Santa in his early days, and then once I was done with everything except the outlining:

And the final product, finished tonight!

I had some trouble attaching it to the cardboard that came with it so I can put it in the's the only time gorilla glue has ever failed me! For the time being, I put some Scotch tape on it just so I could see how it would look:

I'll have to figure out a more permanent solution, and once I do, it will be up in my apartment next holiday season!

1 done. 29 to go.

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