Tuesday, June 19, 2018

A visit to The Emerald City

Most of my traveling has been international lately (lucky me!) but I do still have a small number of US states left to visit. I had always heard wonderful things about the Pacific Northwest, but never had an excuse to visit there...until now.

When a friend from undergrad sent me an invitation to her upcoming wedding in Newcastle, Washington (just outside of Seattle), I was thrilled! I would be able to celebrate with her while also checking another state off of my list. I was able to spend a long weekend (4 days) in Seattle, and so armed with lots of recommendations from multiple people, off I went!

#3m: Washington
On Friday, I had the whole day to explore before meeting the newlyweds-to-be for drinks! I wandered around Capitol Hill, including going to the Volunteer Park water tower to take pictures of the city skyline, and finding these awesome bronze dance step instructions inlaid in the sidewalk. 

From the bottom of the street my Airbnb was on!
On Saturday, I went to the famous Pike Place Market! I also saw the gum wall (weird and kinda gross but also fascinating), walked by the original Starbucks (the line to order was half a block long), and went on a great run through Capitol Hill.

Original Starbucks sign!
Cruise ship getting ready to depart

Saturday night was the wedding! We were treated to an absolutely gorgeous sunset during dinner, prompting mostly everyone to quickly abandon their food to take pictures.

Courtney and Gio taking pictures with the sunset!

Sunday was spent...recovering from the night before (complete with vegan ice cream from Franky and Jos). On Monday I explored a great coffee shop (Victrola on 15th Ave) and the Olympic Sculpture Park downtown, which led me straight to the water. I highly recommend this park--thank you Alex for the suggestion!

I had an absolutely magnificent time in Seattle. Thank you to Courtney and Gio for the excuse to visit!
Iris (new friend!), the beautiful bride, and me!
13/18 done with #3!

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