Thursday, May 30, 2019

Green thumbery

#15. Start and maintain my own garden (herbs ok!). 

When I lived right next to UT, my apartment complex had a community garden. While my commitment was minimal (think once-a-week watering), I was still allowed and even encouraged to reap the benefits of the plants. (Homegrown tomatoes are AMAZING.) I decided that when I got my own place with some outdoor real estate, I wanted to grow my own garden!

Fast forward two years. I'd become slightly obsessed with herb gardens (maybe because they're so small and cute? I'm still not sure.). I potted three different types, and was ready to see my green thumb at work!

Look!! They're sprouting!

Then I got a cat.

And not just any cat, but a cat who has made it her life's work to destroy every living green  thing that I bring in through the door. Ok. This was not going to work. I gave up.

Until! Until 2019, when 1) I moved to a place with a patio that got more sun and 2) the farmshare program I subscribe to ( had a transplant sale. You could get any seedlings of your favorite vegetable or fruit for $3. I hemmed and hawed, and finally clicked "purchase." If not now, when??

I got one each of cilantro, tomatoes, and sweet peppers. I planted them in mid-March, and we'll see how they (and I) do! 

Ok little seedlings, let's do this.
Three weeks after I planted the seedlings, I started seeing some little green tomatoes!
Look how cute they are!!
Then--oh my--they got bigger and turned orange! I hadn't killed them! (Though I had a couple of close calls with the leaves looking a little sad.) I picked three when they looked like they might burst off of the branches and immediately washed and ate them. So sweet. So warm. So good.

First harvest! They were delicious.
The cilantro plant has been sprouting flowers, so I think I might've messed up on that one. I probably should've started to harvest the cilantro as soon as I got it. The pepper plant is sprouting slowly but surely! I'm not sure what color or size I should expect them to be when they're ready to be picked. 

1) Get more seedlings. Now I understand why the default amount of seedlings to purchase online was three. Next time I will buy at least three tomato plants.
2) Don't forget to water the plants! I had some close calls where I walked out of my house on the way to work and went, "Ahh! My tomato plant needs watering!"
3) If I get any more plants, I will need an actual planter box (they are expensive!!). For this year, I was ok with just pots.
4) Get different varieties of plants! I think next year I'll aim for tomatoes, peppers, green onions, and maybe another. 
5) I was weirdly more excited about the tomatoes than the herbs.

12 down. 18 to go!