Wednesday, September 6, 2017


12. Own a cat.

Y'all. I've wanted a cat of my own for at least the last 5 years. But since I was always moving for school, I knew it wouldn't be fair to me or especially the cat to be a nomad while owning it, as I didn't know where I would live, if they would allow pets, if my summer plans would allow me to keep it, etc. So for 5 years, I made do with a cat stuffed animal, the placeholder for my new kitty-to-be.

This past summer, I knew that I would be staying in Austin for the next year at least. I'm done with school, living in a grown up apartment, and I decided that this was the year I was going to get a cat. The thing that sealed the deal was Austin Pets Alive (one of the shelters in Austin) offering FREE cat and kitten adoptions throughout the entire month of August. Done. Now I just had to find a cat!

I knew I wanted a younger cat so that I could get it used to bathing (for allergy reasons), and I wanted it to be outgoing, friendly and sweet. I looked through pictures online and when my eyes fell on Merida, I was in love. She was The One.

I contacted her foster mom, and we set a date for her to bring kitty over to my apartment to make sure it would work out. She met Tim, my parents, and me! I was hooked--she was scared, but so sweet and curious. Her foster mom held her until she was spayed, and I picked her up a week later. Shortly after meeting her, my parents, Tim and I went to dinner and were discussing names. I wanted to keep with the M theme, but had never seen Brave (the Disney movie/princess for which she was named). We spent most of dinner discussing names, before my dad suggested "Miranda." Not only did it keep with the "M" theme and also had the same ending so it would be easier for her to adjust to, but it is also the name of the vet who was unbelievably kind to our family when we had to put our cat of 16 years down in March. It was a perfect fit.

So, I introduce to you: Miranda! She is a 5 month old domestic medium hair. She is feisty, sweet, curious, playful, and is warming up to the dulcet sounds of the violin more and more every day. I'm still keeping her in the bedroom at night because I don't want her getting into trouble around my apartment, but she doesn't quite sleep through the night...she's turning me into a morning person, since she usually wakes me up around 6:30 to feed her! (Though this morning it was 4am...)

We're working on not biting while playing or being affectionate, and not jumping on the counters or table. She LOVES looking outside, hanging out in her kitty condo ($50 off of Amazon! Awesome deal if you can put it together yourself, which was definitely a challenge for one person), and watching TV with us while purring herself to sleep. 

So far she has been a wonderful companion, and I'm enjoying being a cat mom (though it is stressful at times. What if she eats something she's not supposed to? I haven't heard her bell in a while, is she getting into trouble? Will she starve if I don't feed her wet food while dry food is sitting right there?). Expect many more pictures of Miranda to come in the following months/years!

8.5 down. 21.5 to go!